Saturday, February 15, 2014

Zero for two

Friday was a wash out for me, pretty much. We started with Alan Partridge, a Steve Coogan film. I am informed Alan Partridge is "a beloved BBC character" so I assume that I did the equivalent of going to a Mr. Bean film. I sometimes find myself in theatres filled with people obviously caught up in the film, while I feel I've somehow missed the bus they all are riding and enjoying. This was one such -- a throwback to the 1950s style Brit humour, replete with potty jokes aplenty. I wished is actually missed it, but I was very much in the minority. 

We followed up with the Swedish We Are The Best, a coming of age film in which two barely teenaged girls start a punk band. It was mildly amusing in parts but when a fire alarm interrupted the screening, we opted to keep on walking. I was thinking though about the dozens of coming of age films I've watched in which two barely teenaged boys do [insert something stupid or improbable here], and wondered if those seemed as vaguely alien to females in the audience as the two girls in We are The Best seemed to me. 

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